Centennial Flats, Wellington

In collaboration with Architecture 3, We were commissioned by Housing New Zealand to assist with the refurbishment of the landscape around the category 1 Heritage listed Centennial Flats in Berhampore, Wellington. The flats are a rare example of Bauhaus style in New Zealand, a precursor to modernism and are described by Housing Minister Paula Bennett as the jewel in the crown of the Housing NZ portfolio. Our work largely focussed on the area around the circular community building which had been converted in to an apartment in the 1980’s. Its reinstatement as a resource for the immediate and broader community was the catalyst for a number of landscape interventions including a community garden, playground, picnic areas, traffic calming and reconfigured parking areas and a multifunctional terrace to cater for a variety of events and everyday uses. The design aims to modernise the space and broaden the range of activities and functions provided for without adversely affecting the architectural integrity of the original design. The project won the Heritage Category at the NZ Architects Institue Wellington Branch Awards in 2017.


  • 2017 Wellington Architecture Award